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  • Our ‘Livermore’ Strategy Applied To Crypto

Our ‘Livermore’ Strategy Applied To Crypto

Join us on the journey to financial independence.

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Welcome back to the end of another week with Renaissance - the newsletter equivalent of a Kendall scene from Succession. We’re dishing out alpha and it always plays here at Renaissance. And this week is no different!

Today at a Glance:

Our ‘Livermore’ Strategy Applied To Crypto
The Private Group Is Now Open To New Members!

The Renaissance Over-Under

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Crypto Market & NFT News

Our ‘Livermore’ Strategy Applied To Crypto: We Trade Until We Live-No-More😎

…..please don’t unsubscribe that was a good one hahah. Let’s make some money!

Hypothetical max

Did you like the subject line this week, got ya. 😉 This week will likely have our highest open rate ever because of it. It’s our ‘hypothetical max’ - the max result we could hope to achieve and it’s now the level which we have to measure future posts against!

Strap yourselves in for the hypothetical max mental framework.

TLDR alert: 🚨🚨🚨 If you don’t want to improve your investing mentality and life just skip to the trades at the bottom you degenerate 👏👏 we say that with love

  • This is the level we all need to play at in our lives, careers, partners, trading, whatever! How can we do the best possible? And what will it cost you to try?

  • In reality we can all get very close to our hypothetical max and our best possible outcomes iffffff we lose the ego.

  • For trading if you took 20% of all your capital and compounded it over 5 trades could you get your asymmetrical winner? Probably yes. That’s what you leave on the table when you take no risk and purposely underperform! Why do we as humans do that? The emotions are tied to risk and not risk itself.

  • Risk is a muscle, and to reach your hypo max strength you need to do more OF IT! Practice allocating more capital to your favourite trades, practice asking the girl you like out. Your life as you know it is another word for underperformance…..

  • Do you want the results of actually trading well? Of actually taking confident measured risks? Do you want financial freedom? Do you want the partner that recognises your worth?

  • Then the only way to play is to play to win, there are no participation trophies here. And the reality is, we’ll never be our hypothetically maximum best selves. Butttt, we can decide on the steps we take which will determine how close we get!

  • This may seem like fluff to some of you in the Renaissance family. But you need to appreciate your position and what you want and I guarantee 100% of you reading this are not taking the planned actions to reach your value and get what you want. And if you can’t be in it to win it, it’s very unlikely you’ll find an investment or plan that’ll magically get you there. 😉 But stick with us, because we’ll get you there! 1% every week your risk tolerance and mental frameworks will change and we’ll all get what we want together. 🤝


This is our man Jesse Livermore. He made $1.4 billion (yes billion) coming from nothing, trading the very markets we all know today, with the same strategies we all use today. Because humans and markets aren’t technical - they’re fear and greed based.

  • He got there by noticing that the best plays were when momentum and volume was high in a stock. He followed the market movements rather than trying to get ahead of them. 📈

  • He was the master of this, taking risky calculated momentum plays. But he grew to making $100M ($1B in today’s money) by managing his bankroll and risk like a master at the same time!!

  • You should read the linked story in the little bits section and study him, because we put a lot of these practices into play but with added technical certainty and instead apply it to the crypto markets.

Our Strategy

Market Macro update - basically sell in May & go away.….

Over the past 5 years:

  • Buying BTC in October and selling it in April has had 1,449% cumulative returns.

  • However, buying in May and selling in September has had -29%.

  • There has been steady ETF outflows in the US. The past 5 days have seen net outflows of $632m. As expected by us!

It’s May, the historic month for reduced gains in the macro crypto markets. Here’s the deal, you don’t know what technical project will succeed and it certainly won’t do it over the summer. And you really won’t know if you’re not plugged into insider info and alpha channels.

Most people trade incorrectly, they do little to no hedging or risk management of their treasury, and they throw the tools down at a loss for the summer and go and get drunk instead (that last part isn't bad actually). But look, in strip poker someone’s gotta lose, just let it be the hot girl and not you - manage your capital.🤷‍♂️

And this is where our strategy shines and comes into its own, there’s less competition and noise in the market and it leads to cleaner legs up when trades do work out!

We aren’t buying or adding to long term fundamental projects or auditing their technical ability and market share - you will lose over the summer touching this stuff.

We have the summer to instead run our Livermore plays, and track the narrative and momentum plays of the market for guaranteed results. Managing our treasury effectively and splitting our capital in tranches! 💲

The best part of the summer plan for momentum investing, and tying into Livermore’s strategy, is when momentum is high on a particular ‘breakout’ narrative👀:

  • There’s easy gains in doubling down on the winner with a percent of your treasury. Winners win, and shooters shoot. 🔫 Because when you think you missed it, prices can always go higher, and think about the pattern matching you can do based on all the trades you see coming through here. Allocate small if late, but allocate to the narrative!

  • When the narrative is high and momentum has built, Livermore would either buy and sell the same stocks over and over again based on the volume on the stock. Here, we know when the narrative works, similar memecoins or shitcoins will get the leg up next or at the same time, the rising tide will lift all boats. ⛵

  • But best of all - when you know the narrative works and the volume is high, that is when our calls and tools are on the earliest possible lookout to call ‘what comes next.’ The memecoins / 2.0 / derivative plays fitting the narrative that haven’t even been created yet! And you can easily and quickly spot and allocate into these plays with a massive degree of certainty among what is normally considered a risky and misunderstood asset class!

  • Balance your treasury and take on the trades with enhanced momentum and narrative. Be early and allocate your treasury in small percentages across them to avoid capital destruction as these narratives play out.

  • Most people lose money because they don’t know anything and they’re slow - you have to watch, it’s all about days in the market vs days you spend out of the market.

  • But most of all people tend to brute force finding trades or what will win or what makes ‘logical sense’ to happen next. Markets are illogical, they’re emotional, and that means they’re predictable and what happens once happens again.

  • You can’t force a trade or momentum - it’s either there or it isn’t. Don’t try to be too clever or be the wave. Imagine you’re a surfer, we’ll sit on our board as long as we have to until we catch the narrative and wave of potential investments that suit it. 🏄‍♂️ If you try to surf the markets without the wave or the sense, it’s 1000x harder.

  • Because really, when you see an investment that’ll work you’ll know it. And after a few cycles in this market, you’ll only think of one image….

Trades & The Group


If you didn't see the call in the private group we've been on this one from under $1.8M. And honestly, if there's a retracement it's a good buying opportunity for more! I’d say we get to $30-35M market cap easily after a pullback.

Now at $21M market cap - we've cleared the 10X, and after a pullback it's just starting to get attention.

Dips are for buying on this balboa little shit! haha


We caught at the $300k market cap and it’s now pushing past an easy 5x in the group (we’ll see where this is for you guys by Friday, but this is an easy short term win! Although possibly may be worn off by then.)

A straightforward short term narrative play for CZ doing 4 months in jail. What have we told you about cult figures and narrative? Easy win every time when we move fast. Careful of large dips on this one, it's fragile once its legs are gone I think.

*Sidenote - anything cat related that launches - be fast, the volume and speed that their market caps have gone up is insane! Literal seconds to double. Like a gay man at the theatre - we love CATS! 🐱


Volume has gone up and up while the whole market has tanked (if you haven’t noticed this week) - not 100% sure on this as macro conditions have changed, but worth the small allocation! We’ll buy in and wait it out on this one. https://dexscreener.com/solana/g5mw4bmh1aa8dctfs6j7bxtqb7nahgngtnawyrspbmdv 

Same goes for this one below. But it’s all dependent on the wider market recovery. Just watch the charts for the comeback and generally these should then boost on BASE! https://dexscreener.com/base/0xe4e82891223cb17fb5b29f670e3ef9c719de5629 

⚡ Longer term: Buy $BODEN before the election again. I’m telling you, all the election hype will come around and Trump and his dog and $BODEN will all have pumps on the run up to the vote. Then we’re out! Market dips and downtrends are good for buying these up here. https://dexscreener.com/solana/6uybx1x8yucfj8ystpyizbyg7uqzaq2s46zwphumkjg5


A good week for the private group taking small easy trades early, and scooping up $BODEN and TIA on the market dip! But with that pullback there’s blood in the water and good launches will be put off until next week, be patient.

The Group

It’s time. We’re now finally opening up the private crypto trading group to more members! Are you ready to blow your investment fund into the stratosphereeeee!🎉

Early call and memecoin crypto trading is in its golden era for returns - we only have another year at most before regulation and returns disappear. Now is the time!

Every great call will pass our desk and you’ll get access to it with us, all you have to do is be active with us. 😎

What you get access to:

  • Macro trade alerts and technical charts showing big market moves on the top tokens

  • Narrative investing analysis showing you exactly what to watch for next

  • 100x low-cap newly created tokens called as early as possible after creation

  • Buy alerts on the top whale wallets who have already made 7-figures from trades

  • Real-time whale wallet buys of new tokens with under $1M market cap - which is the best buy signal and new token discovery tool you’ll find. Built by our team of engineers and a Web3 exec co-founder.

  • Our Solana blockchain filter tool which is used to call the earliest promising tokens is coming soon and is already outperforming!

  • Our Telegram and Discord call channels including a general 24/7 chat help for the trading Renaissance army!

⚡ Join , allocate, compound, you won’t need anything else!

A suite of tools you won’t find built anywhere else, and hand delivered to you for a spoon-fed 10X returns to retire us all.

We’ve called everything from 50x with $PEPE, 40x $POPCAT, 100x $BODEN, countless more, massive Eth moves and countless narrative 2.0 plays for easy 10Xs! We have the investing framework and tools that works for this space…😮💨

Join the already growing army….. and when there’s enough of us, we’ll be able to have community calls and move the prices of early memecoins ourselves - the dreammm.

  • We’re doing this every day, scaling to 7-figures.

  • We don’t need you to join for us to make it, but it’s more fun together!

  • We’re here to give you more than just the alpha, tools, and leg work - but the habits and group mission. 🔥 

  • If you don’t think your subscription fee can be returned in just one trade in the month, you’re an idiotttt!

How to join:

1) Send $75 in USDC to the Renaissance address:💥 0x6Cce80228ceD66F81F4A0cB87EaF6B2c096573Fd

2) Reply to this email with the transaction link 💥

3) We send you the joining link to the group 💥


Classic car ads never miss, we just don’t advertise what we need to nowadays hahah

The ridiculously simply formula for stock market wealth: Index Funds + Dollar Cost Averaging + Time

Me after buying offensively named meme coins…

The man who defies aging. Chuando Tan is a 58-year-old man from Singapore who looks like he's in his 20s or 30s. Here's a breakdown of his diet, exercise, and other routines

Jesse Livermore. At 30 years old, he made $33,000,000, in a single day. In 1929, at the peak of his career, he was worth $1,400,000,000 in today's money. Despite all of his successes, his life was a roller coaster that ended in tragedy. This is a famous story on Wall Street and the markets never change. We apply this to the crypto markets every day and it’s worth a read to polish your strategy!

Exclusive: Bill Gates, ousted for misconduct, is still pulling strings at Microsoft - just like the Wolf of Wall Street, he can’t fucking leave. He’s gotta run it! Ole’ Billllllll

Memes of the Day

That’s a wrap for this week! Meet us on Twitter to talk all about it. Where we’ll send you jokes, tips, and all important news from the world of money, business and crypto and more! (@RenaissanceDly)

Did you enjoy this weeks issue as much as Leo did? Let us know 👇

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