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  • Tips: How To Beat The Memecoin Market⚡🚀💨⏱️

Tips: How To Beat The Memecoin Market⚡🚀💨⏱️

Join us on the journey to financial independence.

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Welcome back to the end of another week with Renaissance - the newsletter equivalent of keeping up with pronouns and orientation like we’re Charlie Sheen

Today at a Glance:

How To Beat The Memecoin Market
Why Net Worth Goes CRAZY After $100k!

The Renaissance Over-Under

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Crypto Market & NFT News

Calls Or Balls: Recaps - Are We Learning From Last Week? From Practice To Perfection Because We’ve Got Addictions To Feed 💪



- The chart has lost volume but it hasn’t broken down like a Starbucks employee when asked the pronouns for the order……. we think volume has rotated into higher attention plays.

- It’s not the worst thing to hold but for us we’d rotate into others (no sunk cost fallacy, opportunity cost is everything and there’s always better faster plays!)

- This is a good lesson and opportunity to practice emotional control over your trades - and to emphasise spreading your trades in tranches across a narrative so you never lose when the others return (we had to pull this image from the Big Short!).

$BENJI - The before and after…….

The oldest dog on BASE. The chart is immaculate and the volume is making it even more attractive. We’ve been tracking this from early, and think this goes to the $100M market cap in the not too distant future. This one should be on your watchlist for a big dip and enter! It’s pumps are correlated with the highest volume days on BASE, this is the winner of that entire L2 right now.

- Andddddd since its dip we doubled down on, here we are today over $52M market cap. This’ll dip again and grind to $100M as predicted. Follow the volume. It’s like a magnet for capital on these chains, and it acts very differently compared to Eth treading action due to the faster buys/sells and transaction fees!

- Ultimately know the ground you’re playing on. We hope you took the obvious trade here. 👀

$BENJI and Base, plus $YOURAI 😎 And like your wife tells you - you hold the position until I tell you we’re done. $100M or nothing! And for $YOURAI let it bleed, buy her up and wait. It’s slow volume season unless they’re top trending coins at the moment!

⚡ A fresh perspective - everything we’ve been watching and that made our shortlist last week (which was mostly BASE memes) have had slow to build market caps, volume, and are not tracking up fast enough.

I’d say this is potentially due a rotation to focus more on SOL coins and Eth memes. Watch for the rotation as the BASE marketing campaign disappears….. just a hypothesis but look out for SOL this week more than others!

Strategy for the week: Cut losers on BASE as the volume is dying, but let the runners run!


- $MEW on SOL, dips are for buying!

This has had 2 shakeouts but is a strong SOL trading bot that actually works. We’ve seen this work out for good bots over time. This is definitely going over $1 after the next leg up for SOL and its memecoins.

⚡ TLDR; Volume and market pullback means cut losers because they don’t run without volume. Don’t overcomplicate it - double down on the winners and relax. Watch for SOL rotations. Slow and steady does it this week!

Some extra tips for trading like a pro that you may not know:

- One of the wallets we watch in the group bought 178 SOL worth of $MEW for $35k a few weeks back. Now its worth $42.8 million. 👀 

- Absolute deep regret from us for not being faster. This is the same lesson over and over again, be first and take calculated risks. The more you stay in the market, the higher your odds of catching the play early that gets you escape velocity. You don’t need them all - you only need one. And to get your one, you need to play one hundred like they’re the only one. If we do this well this cycle, we will all get financially free.

- Early early early: in every sense of the word - GAS ME UPPP

When sniping memecoins, you can buy more coins faster than other traders by spending more gas.

The way to win is to be faster, that goes for spotting the trade first, but also executing faster than others. For early coins it’s life and death, speed up your transactions and claim your position. The low dollar amount can be worth huge sums of money on the entry price of hot trades! Do not be cheap!


- Trader "14c7fp" spent 5.01 $SOL of gas when sniping $STREAM, and successfully bought $STREAM one block faster than trader "zGdphZ".

- Trader "14c7fp" spent 200 $SOL to buy 499,374 $STREAM, while trader "zGdphZ" spent 200 $SOL to buy only 113,770 $STREAM.

- In the end, Trader "14c7fp" earned 784 $SOL, while trader "zGdphZ" only earned 162 $SOL.


Our lord and saviour Bobby Axelrod 🙏

If you need a pick-me-up and some inspo- here’s 35 top products that failed from top companies. Fail fast and keep working Renaissance family! It only takes one hit

The changing idea about wanting innovation in tech and how it doesn’t win anymore in silicon valley- you’ll make more money safer and faster by tried and tested methods that you make your own, not by breaking the frame.


Wealth Building, Personal Finance Hacks & FAT FIRE

Why Net Worth Goes CRAZY After $100k! 🚀

💡 Ever wondered why net worth skyrockets after hitting that elusive $100k mark? Let me break it down for you with some wisdom I picked up from a millionaire mentor.

💸 "Don't worry about earning millions; focus on the first $100k," he said. At first, I was like 🤔, but then it clicked. Here's why that first chunk of change is the hardest to snag.

🎮 Reason 1: Your earning power is like leveling up in a video game. If you're just starting out, you're a noob. Plus, Gen Z has it tougher than boomers did at the same age. But fear not, the internet's your oyster! 🌐

❄️ Reason 2: Compound interest, aka the snowball effect. Without $100k, your snowball stays puny. But once you hit that mark, compound interest can get crazy real quick.

Quick math: Going from $0 to $100k takes time, but then the magic happens. It's like compound interest wakes up from a nap and decides to go on a rampage! 💥

Look at how the time to make each $100k shrinks like magic after the first one! It's like your money gets a fresh set of wheels. 🚀

⚡ So, how do you make that first $100k? Follow the Growth Method: Gain control of finances, root your investments, optimize tax management, weed out debts, tap into additional income streams, and heighten self-discipline.

It's not easy, but it's worth it. And remember, every tiny snowflake payment is an investment in your future wealth. Keep hustling, folks! 💼

Meme of the Day

That’s a wrap for this week! Meet us on Twitter to talk all about it. Where we’ll send you jokes, tips, and all important news from the world of money, business and crypto and more! (@RenaissanceDly)

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